Our Mission Statement

As approved by the Board of Directors on April 15, 2002

To promote and protect the dignity of the human person through interdisciplinary ethics research and education in health care and the life sciences.

Promouvant la dignité de la personne humaine par la recherche et l’ éducation interdisciplinaire en éthique dans les soins de santé et les sciences de la vie.



Statement of Principles

Promote the dignity of each person through every stage of life;

Promote an ethos of life and the virtues of respect, benevolence, compassion, and justice in the context of contemporary health care;

Work with a special commitment to those who are poor and most vulnerable;

Be an effective resource within the Church and in our society through the Institute’s unique contribution to ethics research within the context of a Catholic tradition;

Commit to ethics education in health care and the life sciences;

Collaborate with related organizations to provide services to the Church and society based on intellectual inquiry, and reasoned, rigorous reflection on moral issues that promote understanding an application of the Church’s teaching and the enhancement of human dignity and freedom.



Our Goals

To engage in ethics research in the context of contemporary health care and the life sciences;

To foster collaboration among interdisciplinary colleagues, bioethics and research centres, academic institutions, and health care professionals in order to integrate scientific, religious, and social perspectives relative to bioethics;

To disseminate the results of the scholarly undertakings of the Institute through a variety of means;

To create and maintain a database of work being carried out in the field of bioethics in Canada and internationally, and by doing so, act as a bioethics information resource centre.



How We Are Meeting Our Goals of Research, Education, Communication

Presenting research papers at academic conferences

Analyzing Papal documents

Studying bishops’ statements

Researching and writing academic papers

Public lectures given at the University of St. Michael’s College, on current popular topics

Talks to health care professionals, clergy, chaplains, students, Catholic organizations

For the People in the Pews (FPIP) a parish based bioethics course consisting of four 2-hour evenings

Continuing education classes at the University of St. Michael’s College

Researching and writing CCBI publications



Our Publications

Bioethics Update: a review that is aimed at a general academic and professional audience. It reviews and analyses a controversial topic in bioethics

Bioethics Matters: a review and commentary on bioethical issue that are in the news. It is distributed to bishops, priests and Catholic lay organizations

À Propos: an update on the activities and publications of the CCBI

Website: www.ccbi-utoronto.ca